By Simon Maddrell
to have sex
in public
the lad with footballer’s
thighs down the Brentford
railway passage
the bukkake circle
behind the cottage
on the A40 Trunk
high on the terrace
that granite table
in Tower Bridge
I have felt
your discomfort
for forty years
loaded with an object
a triumph
as though a woman
is a goal
and the telling
a chant.
Simon Maddrell is a queer Manx man, thriving with HIV and living in Brighton & Hove. He’s published in fourteen anthologies and numerous publications including AMBIT, Butcher’s Dog, Stand, The Moth, The New European, Morning Star, Perverse, Dawntreader and Long Poem Magazine. Simon’s debut, Throatbone, was published by UnCollected Press in July 2020. Queerfella jointly-won The Rialto Open Pamphlet Competition, 2020. He is one of three poets in the Nine Pens Press anthology, All About Our Mothers (Jan. 2022). Twitter: @QueerManxPoet Facebook: @SimonMaddrellPoetry Instagram: @simonmaddrell SoundCloud: @simonmaddrell